Electoral College Map Game Simulation & Activity: Presidential Election 2024

Electoral College Map Game Simulation & Activity: Presidential Election 2024


The Presidential Election is always an exciting time for students. As students watch the Democratic Party candidate and Republican Party candidate campaign to become President, teachers love the opportunity to join in the intrigue and successfully teach about the political process.

One common unknown in this race for the White House, is the mysterious electoral college. Many students are surprised to hear that the President is not necessarily the candidate with the most popular votes, but rather the candidate who wins the most electoral votes.

I have been teaching for many years and have found that this resource actively engages students in learning about the electoral college. This concept of government can certainly be limited to upper level courses, but it doesn't have to be. This resource does a great job of providing a fun competition to guide the learning process of how the electoral college system works and why it is a valid way to elect the president.

This lesson has been a time-tested, teacher-approved success for all of my classes! From elementary through high school, you will find that students love the competition and learning about a complex system they were completely unaware of. I know you will love learning about the electoral college using this fun and engaging game resource!

⭐️ Also available on Teachers Pay Teachers

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⭐️ Learn more on my Electoral College Map Game blog post!

What's Included:

  • Complete set of teacher instructions and game play rules to help guide in preparation and implementation.

  • Two sets of game play rules. You can choose either way to play the game.

  • A worksheet with a map of the United States that includes the number of electoral votes for each state.

  • A game scorecard for students to document the states and electoral votes won.

  • A set of reflection questions for student partners to complete and discuss.

  • Game dice are not included in this download!

  • "This was ridiculously fun! Students requested to play it again, long after the election had passed. Will definitely use it in the future! Thank you!" - Sciulli ★★★★★

⭐️ Read more about this resource on my blog

⭐️ Download a preview

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