Oregon Trail Game Simulation and Activities for Your Classroom

Step into the shoes of pioneers on the Oregon Trail with this classroom simulation. Navigate challenges, make crucial decisions, and gain insight into the historical significance of this iconic journey of westward expansion. This hands-on experience transforms learning into a captivating adventure, fostering a deeper understanding of America's past.

How does the Oregon Trail simulation enhance historical learning? This simulation provides an immersive experience, combining decision-making challenges with historical context, offering students a vivid understanding of the Oregon Trail's significance in American history.


One of my favorite Oregon Trail Activities from elementary school was playing a classic video game on a green monitor of an APPLE II. Do you remember that game? Yep, the video game was simply called The Oregon Trail! It was always a favorite as I had to name my family members, buy the supplies needed for the trail, go hunting, cross rivers, and then cross my fingers hoping I wouldn’t die!

(If you want to relive that classic Oregon Trail game online, use the emulator below)

Play the classic Oregon Trail game online! Bring history to life with this simulation for your classroom.

To play: use the keyboard only. Press numbers, enter key, spacebar/arrows for hunting, and more.



Fast forward a few decades from the late 1980s, and I find myself teaching a middle school unit on westward expansion that centers on the Oregon Trail. I’m trying to figure out how to make this unit relevant and enjoyable for my students. I start drifting into daydream mode, and that classic computer game begins to capture my attention. As I’m lost in all the fun memories of the video game, I snap out of it and begin to ponder, what if I can recreate a similar excitement for my classroom? What if I could somehow get my students to experience the Oregon Trail right here in my room.

That’s when the Oregon Trail classroom simulation began to take shape. After some brainstorming, and talking through some ideas with my student teacher at the time, I came up with the Mister Harms version of the Oregon Trail Simulation Game. It’s a lesson plan and activity that my students have always enjoyed. It has been tweaked and improved over the years, and has become one of my favorite units to teach!


Oregon Trail ACTIVITIES & Lesson Plans

This Oregon Trail lesson plan and interactive activity gives upper elementary and middle school students a glimpse of what life was like on the actual trail. It’s definitely a class favorite when we study our unit on westward expansion! I start the simulation by teaming the students into family wagons. Each wagon team creates their own family relationships and a story as to why they are heading west.

After creating their family history, teams determine their income and occupation by rolling dice. When they receive their money, teams prepare for the long journey by purchasing supplies at the “Jumping Off” point in Independence, Missouri. During this time, and for the entire journey, each member of the group has a specific task to keep the group organized.

One student keeps track of the money, another records all supplies purchased or used, the third emigrant is responsible for adding and subtracting all pounds of food purchased or eaten, and finally one team member keeps track of the calendar by documenting how many days each stretch of the journey has taken. Not only are the students learning history, but with all the documenting, they will challenge their math skills as well!

My 4th/6th graders are thoroughly enjoying this simulation, and I am looking forward to using it again in the future! Each morning we go over the simulation presentation, then roll the dice to see what happened to the students while on the trail. It has been fun to stand back and watch the kids as they work together, make decisions, and learn on their journey. I have also received positive feedback from parents about this simulation. Thank you for sharing your work!!

Oregon Trail Games, Activities, and Lesson Plans

Explore Even More Oregon Trail Lesson Ideas




Grouped into wagon trains, students must depend on teamwork to successfully finish the trail. By rolling dice, keeping track of supplies, and following a map, students get to learn about this historical event in an enjoyable way. All wagons travel the same trail, but their speed and outcome is all determined by the rolling of dice. In this dice rolling of the Oregon Trail Simulation, a traveling guide explains the various outcomes according to the dice being rolled.

For example, If a team rolls a 1, they will have an equipment problem. If their second dice is a 2, a broken wagon axel is the outcome. This event requires the team to add an extra day in order to fix and replace the axel if they had purchased an extra axel at one of the previous forts. During their traveling, students can also stop to go hunting or fishing, and their success is also determined by the rolling of dice.

Throughout this entire process, I’ll explain the various historical content by lecturing on the forts, landmarks, trials, and the daily life on the trail. As we complete each leg of the journey, students are directed to record their experiences in their own personal journal documenting the trail. This aspect of journaling combines the learning of historical content with creative writing. It is fun to read through the student journal entries as each one is so very different. Each journal is from the perspective of their character with the variety of experiences from their specific wagon train.


Ending the Oregon Trail

Ultimately, the simulation ends when we get to Oregon. The entire class learns about the trail at the same pace, but it is a race in that the first wagon to get to Oregon in the least amount of “trail days” becomes the winner! This activity truly keeps students engaged while learning about the Oregon Trail. If you have your own curriculum regarding the Oregon Trail, you can easily use this simulation along-side whatever you may already be teaching.

If you do not have much information regarding the Oregon Trail in your textbooks, this product has you covered! The included presentation is a PowerPoint styled guide through the Oregon Trail and it highlights the major stops, landmarks, trials faced, and includes many primary source quotes and images. It is a treasure trove of history for students to see and experience along the way! I highly recommend using the included presentation as it helps bring the traveling of the Oregon Trail to life. This presentation is included and available in a PowerPoint or GOOGLE Slides format!

🎨 For some added bonus fun, print out this Oregon Trail Coloring Book for your students to enjoy along the trail!

Mister Harms and the Oregon Trail Simulation Presentation


Final Thoughts

After 10 years of tweaking my idea of turning my classroom into that classic video game, I have come to enjoy this Oregon Trail Simulation each and every year. Since it has become such a success in my own classroom, I am making these Oregon Trail activities, worksheets, and lesson plans available to all teachers and classrooms.

If you would like to bring the same experiences and excitement to your own classroom, click on any of the links or images below. You might even want to add to the excitement with these fun Oregon Trail t-shirts and stickers! I wish you the best as you travel the trail. Giddy-up and Westward Ho!

So how about you? Have you tried this simulation or something similar in your classroom? How did it go for you? Leave your feedback in the comments below or contact me! I’d love to hear from you!

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🤠 For even more ideas, see my blog post Oregon Trail Game and 10 lesson activities.